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Refund and Returns Policy

Returns Information

  • In the unlikely event that you receive your order in damaged condition, or you deem the item unsuitable, you may return it for a refund.
  • If you receive any part of your order damaged, we will arrange to collect, exchange and re-deliver it to you at no extra cost.
  • If you wish to return or exchange any part(s) of your order for any other reason, we will charge a collection fee of £25 inc. VAT (this fee includes redelivery in the case of an exchange).
  • Suppose you miss your first ‘return or exchange any part(s) of your order for any other reason’ collection, without giving us 48 hours’ notice that you will not be available. In that case, we will charge an additional £25 inc. VAT collection fee on top of the original £25 inc. VAT collection fee. After the second missed collection, you will be charged an additional £25 inc. VAT for each subsequent collection.
  • Any damages, returns, or exchanges, you must notify us of within 7 days of the item being delivered.
  • The Mirror Man is pleased to offer an extended return policy for all orders placed from 15th November to 15th January.
  • Please note we cannot accept returns if you deliver them to us by hand. This applies to all of our products.
  • In ALL cases the original packaging IS required to instigate a return, and the item must be in its original condition, with all packaging materials, manuals and accessories intact.
  • We will arrange for our Specialist Courier to collect the item which MUST be boxed in the original packaging.
  • The Specialist Courier collects return items on set days every week. (Not including items sent via Postal Delivery).

Refund Information

  • We will issue a refund of your item within 7 days of the item arriving back with us and it being checked.
  • This refund will be less the collection fee of £25 including VAT for each item, (items you received damaged or defective will not incur this fee).
  • In the very unlikely event that the original packaging is not available for collection, we will automatically deduct an additional £25 inc. VAT from any refund for repackaging.
  • Should an item be damaged on delivery and you still dispose of the packaging, you will need to contact us to pay the repackaging cost of £25 inc. VAT before we can action an exchange.

How to return, exchange or cancel your order

If you have made an order that you wish to cancel or you already had an item delivered that you want to return or exchange, please use the form below:

To arrange a return, exchange or cancellation, please fill out this form:

The Mirror Man
Flat 3, 53 Long St
(Phone: 01984 249376)

I would like to cancel/return/exchange my order for the following item(s):


After completing this form we will reply to you with a collection date (if applicable,) and/or further instructions.

Not feeling the above form? Submit your request via email instead:

Please email info@themirrorman.uk stating the following:

  • First Name & Surname
  • Telephone Number
  • Mobile Number
  • Email Address
  • Order/Invoice number (this is on the order confirmation email we sent you)
  • Date of purchase (dd/mm/yyyy)
  • Reason for cancellation/return/exchange

After we receive your request we will then reply to you with a collection date if applicable.

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